By Mariah Esquivel ’21 and Jackeline Sierra ’21
The Class of 2019 will soon say goodbye to their Spartan Sisters. They have overcome many obstacles in the past four years, but they have also made many wonderful memories. These seniors gave some advice:
“Take the opportunities that ICA gives you. Coming into ICA I was really shy and I was scared to reach out to people, and I didn’t know if I would receive the same support that I used to. But I felt really supported by the opportunities I took, such as leader- ship, cross country, and theatre. Don’t be scared of failure. It’s okay to mess up and make mistakes because that’s how you thrive... Live your life. Strive and thrive.” - Alexis Balocating
“Be brave and understand that you’ll be supported by your teachers and staff.” - CJ Alejandro
“Keep in mind that all four years mat- ter. If you don’t get into the college of your choice remember that everything happens for a reason... Look at the bright side and keep your head up.”
- Sofia Esteva
“Don’t do your homework late; you’ll run out of time” - Evelin Marquez
“Study for chemistry tests and quizzes” - Brianna Castillo
“Make sure to stay on task with all your assignments... Don’t procrasti- nate with your essays, even though you have a bunch of time. Just don’t.” - Alina Esquivel
“Senioritis is real... Apply to as many colleges as you want to, even if you think you’re not going to get in. And do all of your homework!”
- Maya Henriquez
“Don’t be afraid to try new things. The more you try new things, and the more clubs you join, the more you will get to discover yourself as a person and the more you grow. My freshman year I did cross country, and that was completely out of my comfort zone because I don’t like exercising, but it helped me find what sport was for me, which I later found out was swim- ming.” - Emily Galeas
