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Get to Know the '21-'22 Senior Class Officer Candidates!

Writer's picture: The Spartan PressThe Spartan Press

Meet your Senior Class Officer Candidates for the 2021-2022 school year! Read on to learn what they're all about. Student Council Elections will take place next week, so get ready to cast your votes!

Angelica Aquino

Why do you want to run to be a class officer at ICA Cristo Rey?

I want to run as class officer at ICA Cristo Rey because I want to be able to represent the rising senior class. I want to ensure my fellow classmates that they have the most memorable last year as high school students. I hope to be able to be that person who listens to their suggestions and questions, and be their voice. I not only want to improve my class, the school, and the events we have, but also myself. This will be my second time running for a class officer position in all my academic years. I feel that it felt right to try and run for class officer again, so that I can refine and better my leadership skills, public speaking, and confidence. This opportunity is already a cool experience, and I already feel lucky to be a part of this whole process.

How do you plan to increase school spirit and participation among your class next year?

I hope that in achieving the position as Senior Class Officer next year, I am able to learn to be more confident. In order to increase my school spirit and participation among the Class of 2022, I need an extra boost of confidence, and I truly believe being class officer will help me improve that aspect of myself. If I obtain this position, I will do my best to use my voice and encourage others to participate in events such as spirit week. I am eager to appeal to my schoolmates in order to make these events more exciting for them. I hope to come up with great ideas as a team in order to increase school spirit in my class. I can create posters and artsy things to achieve participation and increase school spirit.

Kimberly Garay

Why do you want to run to be a class officer at ICA Cristo Rey?

The reason I would love to run as a class officer because I love for my class of 2022 to keep on earning spirit point. That being because I always love bringing up the spirit of my class whether that being in class online and or on campus. It is always nice to see how my class gets excited but now although I can’t see that. Once we get back to school I want to bring back that joy and happiness when doing school activities. Although this may be my first time it would be fun to be able to have this experience while it lasts. I am going to give it my all to be the best class officer for the class of 2022. I wan to make the time our time back on campus a great year and do everything that we didn’t get to do online.

How do you plan to increase school spirit and participation among your class next year?

I plan to just have a great social media presence and also to always remind people that ther ways to earn spirt points and to also persuade them into doing so especially since we are just going to be back onto campus. I will do my best to promote every time we have an opportunity to earn spirit points. Its also to spread everything though words like telling people to tell other people. It will also be great to show that they can come to me for help and if anyqustions not only for spirit points for other things that could be towards ASB.

Bea Morales

Why do you want to run to be a class officer at ICA Cristo Rey?

I want to become a class officer at ICA Cristo Rey for the people. I want the position for myself because it can help build my resume and most of all, it will help hone my skills. It will improve my people skills because I will be interacting with new people and my peers. It will also improve how I handle responsibility because this position definitely has big and important tasks to handle. I want this position not only for myself, but also for the school and everyone in it. I want to help make sure that everyone is happy and satisfied with all the school events. I want to help make sure everyone has a good time and aren’t too stressed out whenever there’s a lot going on.

How do you plan to increase school spirit and participation among your class next year?

I plan to do a lot of things to increase school spirit and participation among my class next year. First, I plan on asking everyone for any suggestions that they might have so that they feel included or at least acknowledged. Then I will bring their ideas into the student council meetings so that they can be discussed and approved. After all the planning and discussions, I will always be willing to give a helping hand to help set up any events and clean up. Prior to events, I will encourage my peers to participate and have school spirit by wearing their class colors or just by supporting their class in any way.


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